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The BE-Basic project proposal ‘Towards a quick decision SUPPORT tool for SUstainable use of harvest RESidues’ (SURE/SUPPORT) addresses the world wide problems of soil erosion and land degradation. Next to crop production for food and feed, biomass production for energy is needed because of decreasing fossil fuel stocks. For a sustainable and economically profitable biomass production, soil quality and soil organic matter levels need to be secured. At various stages in the biomass refinery chain residues become available that could be returned to the soil as source of organic matter. Currently  however, no guiding principles exist as to whether and how these residues could be applied in a sustainable way to maximize their effect in avoiding soil erosion. This Be-Basic project proposes to develop a decision support tool that will help to balance the inevitable residue removal and highly needed residue recycling in a primary production soil. Project leader is dr. A.J. Termorshuizen of the Wageningen-based company SoilCares Research.ClearDetections is SURE/SUPPORT project partner and partner of the BE-Basic consortium.

BE-Basic is an international public-private partnership, funded by the Dutch government between universities, research institutes and industries of various scales in the field of sustainable chemistry and ecology. Its mission is to develop industrial biobased solutions for a sustainable society.